Micro Seismic Monitoring
Measurements of rock deformation to occur in excavating rocks is the basic
process to check the stability of underground space. GeoGeny has been
developing and applying Micro Seismic monitoring system with incorporation
of the latest IoT. GeoGeny will provide the technical services for designing
and installing monitoring system with the optimal sensor configuration to
consider the geo technical characteristics, geological structures, space
allocations, humidity and temperature and communication condition of the
underground space to be excavated in underground mines or civil tunnels.
Micro Seismic Monitoring is able to be appled to predict failure and
increase productivity through long-term monitoring as well as to secure
stability of underground space in excavating.

microseismic event
3D Underground Mine Mapping

GeoGeny has been surveying 3D shapes of tunnels using 3D laser scanner
or LiDAR, and constructs 3D models for tunnels and stopes based on these
survey results. The 3D models are used as not only the status data for
safety management but also the basic data for mine design and mine operation.